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The goal of the project is to preserve and reflect the historical, cultural and natural heritage and potential of the city. 

1 stage - Vision

Pre-analysis. A holistic approach to the city development. Questionnaire of the locals.

New vision: Chernihiv is a resilient city.

Resilient spirit. Resilient development

2nd stage of the project

Detailed analysis by project direction. Formulation of key tasks to be solved by the city.

3 stage of the project

Specification of proposals and project solutions for further development of the concept, point-by-point detailing, conclusions.

4th stage of the project

Developing a strategy and road map by the city authorities and executives.

5th stage of the project

Formation of groups of performers for further implementation.


Stage 1 - Pre-analysis


​- Chernihiv is not only patching holes after the blockade, but is already thinking about the future.


- The idea making the redevelopment concept of Chernihiv quickly united dozens of people: experts in architecture and urban planning, representatives of local authorities and active citizens, who are working together to create a unique concept of the city's development.


-  This case is already of historical significance for Ukraine on the way to European integration. The initiatives of this level, start from the bottom up, cover all aspects of life of the city and involve so many sympathetic people.

- The introduction of a transparent and up-to-date city concept opens up the possibility of necessary transformations for Chernihiv, and for other cities of Ukraine, a way to develop their own trajectories, taking into account the values ​​and needs of their citizens.

Steps made

- Cabinet studies (historical, cultural, ecological, economic and social potential of the city)

- Communication with the locals. Citizens are proud of their historical and green city, showed the results of the questionnaire performed by the team.

- A holistic visionary approach in the understanding of the city. Crystallization of the city philosophy, its DNA, new vision was applied.

- The redevelopment concept is based on the newly defined positioning:  “Chernihiv — a resilient city. Resilient spirit. Resilient development”.

This positioning comes from the city’s DNA and focuses on the strengths and needs of the city. This is a unique approach for Ukrainian urban planning, which includes a rethinking of outdated approaches remaining from Soviet practice.

Stage 2 - Legal aspects. Detailed analysis by project vectors.

Legal prerequisites of the project

  • According to the new law №7282 all cities are expected to have “Program for comprehensive redevelopment of the territory” within the limited period of time. Chernihiv has very limited budget for this activity because all resources were addressed to manage war destructions of the buildings and infrastructure, restore kindergartens and schools, improve bomb shelters, and start heating season in time.

  • Ukrainian architectural studio “Yakusha” initiated the concept of Chernihiv redevelopment and coordinates volunteers. The project aims to engage existing expert–volunteer groups into sustainable support of the city renovation. In addition, the project will prevent brain drain, but rather to localize the expertise on the grounds.

  • According to the official decision of Chernihiv City Council dated June 30, 2022, Redevelopment Concept “Chernihiv – a resilient City. Resilient spirit, resilient development” is in process under the coordination of the studio “Yakusha”. All materials will be transferred to the city council free of charge in accordance with the memorandum of cooperation. Such external help from volunteers allows Chernihiv authorities to distribute the city budget for more urgent needs of the citizens.  

Steps of working process
  1. In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Office – Ukraine the needs assessment of Chernihiv citizens was conducted. Results and propositions are there.

  2. Conducted a series of public discussions and meetings with local residents, architects, teachers & students of Chernihiv Polytechnic University, business representatives, NGO activists, IT-cluster, mass media, community and volunteer initiatives.

  3. Cooperating with the city council & mayor, city main architect, more than 100 volunteers were working on the concept on different stages. The memorandum of cooperation with the city was signed.

  4. Yakusha Studio coordinated 11 groups of specialists for detailed work on each project area.

  5. Deep diving upon main “arteries” (elaborate them on the city master plan, urban planning and activities).

  6. Working on new architectural and design code

  7. Developed concrete solutions for each of 11 concept vectors

Stage 3. Proposals and project solutions for the human-oriented city built around people


Accessibility/ Urban planning

•Introduce urban concept of “15 min city” (comfortable infrastructure to commute to work/ home/ shopping/ cultural activities/ education within 15 min)
•Decentralization of city life: develop main city arteries and districts, departure from the old Soviet Union concept of “suburban areas” and going to/ from work and activities  into the city center)
•Create more public spaces for recreation, socializing, sports, cultural & outdoor activities and interaction in every district of the city; 

•Reconstruction of central city market, central park for culture and recreation
•Revitalization of some parts of the industrial zone – creation of modern cultural centers, city hubs, libraries in old plant buildings in order to re-invent them and use the space in the central part of the city
• New city zoning. Taras Shevchenko street as one of the main city arteries was chosen as a pilot project – perform group of urbanists and architects from Finland.

Infrastructure/ Carbon neutral city

•Support design and implementation of changes to the public transport system schemes, including separate road line for public transport, traffic lights changes, detailed bicycle routes, parking lots both for cars and bicycles, updating all schemes taking into account feedback from the citizens according to the needs assessment;

• Increase safety of all city traffic, improve safety and accessibility of pedestrian crosses;

• Restrict the allowed car speed and the amount of the cars that enter the city center (start from weekends and holidays);

• Develop network of bicycle routes, making bicycles one of the main means of transportation, a part of the daily commute, not only as a means of recreation on weekends;

• Increase the usage of modern trolley buses as the most ecological public transport (but firstly - restore damaged by bombing trolley bus lines);

• Implement electric buses with dynamic recharging network; buses Euro 5 & Euro 6 motor type;

• Control implementation of inclusiveness and barrier-free access norms;

•Restructure the Heat-and-electric power plant, damaged by russian attacks; minimize or 0-usage of coal

Economic development

Cultural development and Chaotic buildings and city identity fulfilment:

•Build modern rehabilitation center as the anchor project for the future development;

• Develop medical and recreation businesses;

•Restore & improve football stadium and ski youth base which were destroyed by russians.

•Build sports center, swimming pools in each city district. Access to the sports will motivate families to live in Chernihiv and allow their children better development, besides, will motivate self-improvement to use all possibilities and raise healthier children;

•Use potential from artesian waters, which city uses (in Chernihiv water at homes is one of the clearest within the country);

•Chernihiv Autoplant (“ZAZ”) produces trolley buses and buses with ecological motor – increase production, implement new technologies;

•“Green economy” popularization. Building enterprises which make green &energy efficient technological solutions, produce solar panels, modern windows, etc.;

•Fulfil big citizens’ demand on entrepreneurship popularization, the courses of doing and developing business, startup community (strong IT cluster and State Polytechnic Institute), develop small and medium business support programs.

•Work with UNESCO, “Chernihiv Starodavniy” historians, Chernihiv professors and artists on the historical and cultural heritage of 1300-year-old city.

•Increase attention to the problems of ruining and disappearing “curved wooden lace” (authentic wooden buildings’ décor, remained in the city) and works of Chernihiv monumentalism artists (mosaics, coloured glass windows and décor, wooden works of art).

•Develop new touristic routes in order to provide longer contact with the city so that visitors spend in Chernihiv more than 1 day (increase tourism income and push HoReCa development).

•Build several hotels (recover, retreats, green tourism)


•Introduce city-specific architectural and design codes; designing sustainable small architectural forms in line with design code

•Provide the city with an identity and marketing strategy, brand book of the city.

•Reduce chaotic outdoor advertising. Instead, introduce environmentally friendly advertising methods - support landscaping and improve urban space.

Landscaping, ecosystem:

Energy efficiency, autonomy, sustainable environmental solutions:

•Make the Stryzhen River a “living city center”:
-develop project of clearing the river shallow and building filtration membranes (allowing water to be clear and have flow)
-barrier-free access to the reservoir and banks
-development modern infrastructure around the river

• concept of a ‘City Garden’ — an increase and expansion of greenery along the streets, creation of ‘green corridors’, increase small green zones all over the city;
•ecotourism development: ‘green’ city maps, health, tourist routes, “health trace” along the Desna River

•New embankment of the Desna River near Val (historic center), green areas consistent in the river port, city beach and opposite banks of the Desna

• Chernihiv Water Channel recovering and improving

•Construction of ecological district for the temporary displaced people and soldiers and their families – social housing, ecological area of modern energy efficient houses, comfort height (up to 5 floors)

•Construction of sustainable modern rehabilitation center

• Reuse of the construction and river rubble and local materials in the new construction

• Energy audit of the old buildings and proposal of solutions for the reconstruction, restoration and revitalization of damaged and destroyed buildings, especially, social infrastructure (hospitals, kindergartens, schools)
•Implementation of new heating and electricity saving technologies. Introducing solar panels, windmills, modern materials during renovation

•Waste management system, popularization of the concept “zero waste city" (sorting, disposal, building composting station and garbage recycling plant).

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